
Fire Protection

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(877) 570-3473

Fire Extinguisher Service

Does your business or building need new fire extinguishers? Do you need your existing fire extinguishers serviced, installed, repaired or refilled? Hedrick Fire Protection sells, services, installs, repairs, and refills all brands of fire extinguishers. HFP is an authorized distributor and reseller for major brands such as Amerex, Ansul, Badger, Buckeye, Victory and more!

A fire extinguisher is one of the most important aspects of fire safety—it ensures occupants and firefighters have the necessary tools to extinguish fires instantly and comprehensively. But fire extinguishers can’t be just left alone for years without inspection and service, which is where Hedrick Fire Protection and our fire extinguishers service come in.

Our licensed service technicians are actively servicing clients all over Southern California (Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego Counties). No matter where your business (or home) is located, one of our technicians is close by to take care of your needs.

At Hedrick Fire Protection, we’re experts in everything related to fire protection and safety, including fire extinguisher inspections. Our expert staff is ready and eager to provide the best customer service in the industry, whether you need fire extinguisher service in Los Angeles or elsewhere in the greater Southern California or Idaho area. We’ll ensure that your extinguishers are capable and ready for when the moment of emergency strikes. Our fire extinguisher services include the following:

  • Annual Extinguisher Service

  • Six-year Service

  • Monthly Inspections

  • Extinguisher Training

  • Extinguisher Demonstrations

  • Installations

  • Hydro Static Testing

Contact our staff to learn more about our fire extinguisher services in San Diego and other service areas.

Call today (877) 570-3473
Hedrick Fire Protection is trained to sell, repair and maintain products form the following brands:
Trained and licensed to service Amerex products Trained to service Ansul Trained to service Buckeye Fire Equipment products Licensed for Pyro-Chem installations